Some Bunny Special
This ambitious stop-motion animation was made for Hallmark eCards to celebrate Valentine's Day. Check out the behind the scenes media!

Main Street Rabbitsville.

Setup for the opening tracking shot.

The paper TVs are place holders that are digitally replaced later.

Testing the programmed camera move.

The puppets are flocked silicon around wire frames.

That door doesn't actually go anywhere.

The bunny's feet are bolted through the side walk so that he can be animated. The holes are then removed in post.

Making sure the flowers look beautiful.

Animating extra time for the transition.

Finishing up the first part of the first shot.

To transition over-head we had to make a straight track appear to be rounded.

We took reference photos to composite any edges that would need to be replaced later.

The footprint of of the street.

Blocking for the sidewalk.

Gluing on windows.

Our stand-ins for scale.

Lighting for the sidewalk.

Programming the camera move for the sidewalk.

Something's still missing.

Stars, fireworks, and of course typography by the unmatched talents of Maria Mordvintseva-Keeler, are all added in post.

The "clouds" are cotton balls glued to foam board and then spray-painted.
Behind the Scenes video by Mena Gonzalez