May the 4th Be With You!
This video was made as an eCard for Hallmark eCards to celebrate Starwars Day. It features the voice of Tom Kane and Itty Bitty's toys. Check out the behind-the-scenes photos below.
Behind the Scenes

First time we got the dunes of Tatooine in camera.

Pink Foam!


Programming the camera move.

First look at the heroes of this scene. Rough Pass on lighting.

Simple setup. Background dunes taped to the wall.

Blocking and rough lighting.

Looking pretty good.

Stop-Motion means glue everything down.

Framing up the cave.

Checking out blocking.

This IS the composition we were looking for.

Luke isn't the only one that stares off to the horizon...

Giant arms. Always fun.


Rough pass at the hanger.

Getting closer.

There it is.

It was VERY fun recreating some of these iconic sets in Itty Bitty's style miniature.

Complicated lighting design in an itty bitty space.

A wider angle of Tatooine for the final image.

Everybody needs to hit their marks.

Set up for the final shot.